1.A person who talks in sleep
A)somniloquist B)pedantic
C)nostalgia D)somnibulist
2.A person who walks in sleep
A)somniloquist B)pedantic
C)nostalgia D)somnibulist
3.one who hates war, loves peace
A)philistine B)pacifist
C)iconoclast D)heretic
4.One who is unable to pay his debits
A)insolvent B)fugutive
C)exrovert D) intovert
5.One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters
A)Recluse B)crusade
C)Fanatic D)Epicure
6.One who is all powerful
A)omnipotent B)regalia
C)virtuoso D)veteran
7. One who knows all
A)plebiscite B)omniscient
C)quarantine D)omnipotent
8.the flowers of a particular region
A)flora B)fatal
C)Panacea D)fauna
9.the animal of a particular region
A)flora B)fatal
C)Panacea D)fauna
10. Not fit to eat
A)fable B)indelible
C)inedible D)potable
11. A place where animals are slaughtered for market
A)mortuary B)dormitory
C)abattior D)reservoir
12. A house of shelter for dog
A)kennel B)sty
C)stable D)orchard
13.A house of shelter for a horse.
A)stable B)burrow
C)kennel D)sty
14.A place where pigs are kept
A)stable B)monastery
C)sty D)kenne
15.A place where bees are kept
A)cage B)mint
C)aviary D)apiary
16.A place for ammunition and weapons
A)pantry B)tannery
C)arsenal D)arena
17.A place for wrestling
A)cage B)asylum
C)ring D)arena
18.A place where birds are kept
A)hutch B)venial
C)aviary D)apiary
19.A place where dead bodies are kept for
A)hangar B)morgue
C)cloakroom D)mortuary
20.A place where dead bodies are kept for indentification
A)hangar B)morgue
C)cloakroom D)mortuary
1) A 2) D 3) B 4) A 5) C
6) A 7) B 8) A 9) D 10) C
11) C 12) A 13) A 14) C 15)D
16) C 17) D 18) C 19) D 20)B
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