Thursday, 8 August 2013



Gas used in LPG          -      Butane, Propane and Ethane

Tear Gas                       -        Ammonia (NH3)

Gas with foul smell    -    Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)

Laughing gas               -      Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Gas used in  refrigeration         -       Freon
(Freon, the gas used in refrigeration is chemically Diflouro Dichloro Methane)

Gobar gas is a mixture of       -   Methane, CO2 and hydrogen

Gas mixed with oxygen and given to patients with restricted breathing                      -             Helium

A major air pollutant, the percentage presence of which is checked in vehicle pollution test                                -         Carbon monoxide

The gas which is responsible for the formation of brown air in traffic congested cities     -       Nitrogen oxide

Major gaseous pollutant of areas located near thermal power station                                -      Suphur dioxide

Natural gas                  -       Mainly methane with small quantities of ethane and propane

Strong smelling substance added to LPG                      -       Ethyl Mercaptan or Ethanethiol

Gases responsible for depletion of ozone layer                   -       Chloroflouro carbons

Gas used in gas welding and also artificial ripening of fruits   -       Acetylene

Gas used in electric bulbs      -       Argon

Gas used in flourescent lamps                      -       Mercury vapour

Gas known as marsh gas        -        Methane

Gas responsible for acid rain      -  Sulphur dioxide

Gas most abundant in earth's atmosphere              -       Nitrogen (78%)

Percentage of oxygen in earth's atmosphere21% (appx)

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