How To Get Traffic On A New Blog
Here are a few ways which can help you increase traffic to your site. While some are temporary methods, some are great in the long run.
1. Facebook
Almost everyone you know has a Facebook account, so why not use them to get a few visits?
- Share your new content on Facebook, create a page(there is a “Create a page option at the bottom of Facebook) of your website and invite all your friends to like the page.
- So everytime you share a post, you are sure to have a few visitors visiting your site.
- Dont tell anyone to click on the advertisements, especially Adsense advertisements. It is against the Adsense policies.
- Share that page in your website and get loyal visitors. In the long run, it helps to create a brand value for your website.
2. Commenting On Other Websites/Blogs
Commenting on other blogs is also a good way to get links and a few visits.
- However, with the Penguin Update, you will have to be careful about your anchor text.
- Prefer using different variations of YOUR NAME (I use jasjotbains, jasjot bains etc..) and don’t use money keywords like “SEO services” and stuff like that.
- Almost all good sites have heir comment links set with the “rel=nofollow” tag, so they wont help much in the SEO and ranking stuff.
- Never comment on sites with a very low alexa rank (Install the toolbar from alexa (dot) com) as they hardly get any traffic of their own, how will they send some to you?
There is a reason why I have capitalized the above heading. All these techniques you will learn will fail if you dont have quality content.
- One of my sites has very few to low backlinks to talk about. Daily traffic comes close to 300, primarily due to exhaustive content written with care and covers all aspects of the topic.
- You also need to write content regularly. Keep your site fresh and updated regularly.
- Keep your topic centred around the focus keyword. Do not stuff keyword everywhere. The WordPress SEO plugin can help you in your SEO.
4. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging means submitting an article on someone else’s site with their permission. The article must be relevant to the content and genre of the site on which you comment on.
- You can do a “site:focus keyword” search for blogs in your genre and contact their webmasters for permission to post an article on their blog.
- Most of the guest posts are written with three primary aims in mind.
- The first is to get a backlink to your own website. A backlink from an authority website or a website with a high pagerank can surely boost your rankings a bit.
- The second is to get referral traffic. People who like your article will surely like to know more about who wrote it, and here is where the link backs come in handy.
- The third aim is to improve your visibility in your genre. Guest posts help to build relations with other webmasters and a well written and thorough article can help improve your credibility as an authority figure in that genre.
However, what I personally feel is that if the article is well enough to be posted by you on someone else’s site, it is equally good enough to be present on your site only.
5. Forum Posting
Forums are places where people come together and share their views on different topics. Some forums (are almost all) provide a user control panel and signature options, where you can add links to your website.
- Some sites have a policy of not allowing you to add a signature till you post a certain number of posts.
- Leaving the forum alone to gather dust after filling in your website URL in the UserCP wont help after Penguin. Not many links are pointing to that page, so you practically get nothing out of that.
- Also be careful while choosing the anchor texts for your signatures. Vary the anchor texts, but make sure you dont choose any which directly competes with the forum website (else you will be in danger of getting banned).
6. Ask For Links
Ask, beg, request. You get the point.
- If you have a quality article/content that you believe will add more information to a topic being covered in a website, you can ask the webmaster to add more information, while giving you credit for it by giving you a link back.
- You can also point out any mistakes in an article and request the webmaster to correct them, giving credit to you in return.
- While you might not be successful in every request, do not spam the webmaster with requests. Be courteous. Not spamming will not only help you have a higher chance of succeeding, it will also make you look good.
7. Ask Friends
You can always ask your friends to help promote your blog to their friends. If people like your content, they will surely become loyal visitors, and help get you more traffic over time.
Summing Up Traffic Building Tips
Here is a round up of all tips aimed at increasing traffic to a new website/blog.
1. Share your content on Facebook, Twitter, GooglePlus and other social bookmarking sites. Build an active community here.
2. Comment on blogs and forums in your own niche. Leave your URL in the “URL” and/or “Signature” options. Be careful about not over-doing this and choose the anchor text wisely.
3. Do guest blogging on other blogs in your niche and get a few backlinks and referral traffic from them.
4. Ask for links from other webmasters in your own niche. You might not succeed always, but its worth a shot.
5. Ask your friends to promote your blog to their friends. You can still get a little traffic and a few loyal visitors.
6. THE MAIN POINT- WRITE QUALITY CONTENT. If you dont, kindly dont bother following any of the points I mentioned above. They wont be much helpful without quality content. You cant expect to drive around without cranking the engine first.